The 5 Miracles of the Journal ‘The Journey of 2 Angels’

The first thing everyone who hears about this book will think…just another book written by an author, another product to buy. This in an unusual story from a unique man. The truth is what you are reading is a miracle.  It’s a ‘Miracle’ that this journal was written, website built, and now readable to the world.

The 1st Miracle

God Made me do this!

The 1st Miracle is that I am 52 years old and just finished writing the story of my life.  How is that a Miracle you ask?  I can say that becoming a writer is nothing less than God holding a gun to my head, making me write.  Around 2019 I went to ‘The Texas Unemployment office/Workforce Commission’ in hopes of getting help getting a degree in accounting.  A four-hour psychology ‘aptitude test’, results being ‘I should be a writer!’  This test result made me angry.  I was born with dyslexia, superior math skills and a deep hatred & frustration for reading, writing, spelling.  Then add on two brain scrambling concussions, being a writer is Not what I wanted!  I left the office very upset.  I am really good in math and always knew being an accountant would be my retirement plan.

Accounting and being C.P.A. was my ‘Retirement Plan’.

When I started Devry January 2020, major was accounting!!!  Spent every day studying thru February 2022 until achieving a bachelor’s degree in accounting.  Earned 3.86 GPA, Magna Cum Lauda honors, NSLS National Society Leadership and Success member.

This is Excel sheet for Values
The National Society of Leadership and Success

Clearly I was determined to become an accountant, maybe a CPA. What am I doing, writing, authored a book preaching God and Angels. I did NOT want to become a Writer. While being inducted into NSLS, used this as my plan. Writing my autobiography and cutting into smaller books for NSLS.

Miracle #2

Miracle of ‘How am I alive to write?’

The #1 biggest Miracle!!!

The 2nd miracle is I am alive at age 52, to be alive to write it.  The journey I have been on, is full of ‘should have killed me!’ experiences.  From early teens I have always known that one day I will write a book about my life.  This conflicts with ‘should have killed me’ moments.  I has hit by a car as a pedestrian, while riding a 10-speed bicycle, suffering a violent TBI Concussion, twice!  Both wrecks should have killed me…  The first was in January 1984, 8 days in hospital, cracked skulls above and below eye, face first into a concrete curb.  The second TBI concussion in 2008, was a blow to my forehead, and cracked my skull where the spine is attached.  Cracked skull at the base, at the spinal cord.  This every doctor will agree, this is an extremely dangerous location for an injury. 

The rest of my adult life is plagued with living with severe mental illness, that feel like two violent storms of emotions, fighting each other.  Going thru life, plagued with non-stop ‘wanting disappear from the face of the earth’.  Suicidal tendencies have haunted me, wanting to commit suicide, to attempting suicide by accident.  Spent a summer illegal drag racing an old corvette, driving with ‘will to die in a crash’ speed and recklessness, added to being drunk and high while drag racing. 

Spent two decades of my life, working night shift security in Dallas, expecting I would not see the sunrise the next day.  I spent three years working in South Dallas high crime areas, expecting to get killed stopping a crime.  The only dream I had, a military style funeral giving honor to my sacrifice, giving my life to save someone else.  Instead, I felt a zone of safety around me, God would not let me get killed on job site protecting people. 

The amount of times I have nearly been hit by a car, bus, public transit train, by accident not on purpose accident is high.  Several times I should have drowned, jumping into grandfather’s pool sinking to the bottom at age 2, swimming alone in the ‘North Shore’ age 9, almost swept out to sea age 14 in Texas Padre Island. 

Two near suicides due to taking ‘Prozac’. 

Lifetime living with undiagnosed bi-polar 2 depression, baseline I stayed depressed.  Not understanding why I felt this way

The miracle that I am alive, written my book, and now putting it on my own website…for everyone to read, study, and experience life thru my eyes. 

The other part of this miracle is thru my lifetime, I knew this book was my destiny.  Learning creative writing, studying psychology, and other skills thru my life, just to fulfill my destiny and write it.  This despite a lifetime that should have killed me multiple times over.  Both TBI accidents left me physically disabled for life. 

I work for God; the big boss has always wanted this story told.  When you read the full journal, ‘The Journey of 2 Angels’ as you read, pay close attention.  Ask yourself how long you would last, in my shoes.  How far along my journey, until you would quit, give up, or be killed.  The ones who reach age 50, on my path will be a very small list. 

Miracle #3

God Co-Authored Religious Experience

The journal is one long creative writing session.  I was walking through a grassy field on June 7th 2022, when ‘the thought was put in my head, “What if I am really one of God’s Angels?”  That moment, that thought, which did not come from my brain.  Sparked a 7-month long religious experience, one long creative free flow writing.  The religious experience was…God was sitting next to me, co-writing the entire time.  In the beginning part of me felt like I was losing my mind, going crazy.  Being an expert in psychology I noticed the crazy stuff I was writing, was a 100% ‘Praising God’ or something along the ‘God Talk’, ‘Angel’s’, ‘Doing God’s work’, ‘Messenger of God’, ‘God as Advertisement’.  It all felt like, my mind was just open, God told me what to write, and I wrote it.  That means in my mind, every word in my journal was supervised by God. 

Miracle #4

This approach was put into my head, during the past 3 years. When I was being inducted into the NSLS Honor Society, I put together an Idea about writing my full autobiography, judged it would be around a 1000 pages, then cutting into pieces to make several smaller books. NSLS inducted was Sept 2021, long before the June 7th perspective change.

During the long creative writing sessions, an idea occurred to build a website. It seems God had this whole thing planned out. Co-authored as well has designed an outline to put my story, on the internets.

I was going to just e-Publish the ‘Full Journal’ and sell on Amazon. God had this smaller books and website idea just write my autobiography, publish and forget about it.

As I said often during my ‘Journal’ I keep asking God, “Don’t you think we have enough God talk?” God keeps laughing and saying “NO I Don’t!” This God talk started out as small. Steadily the volume of ‘God Talk” keeps getting turned up, higher and higher. God as added ‘Preacher’ to my ‘Renaissance man list’. I did want to be a preacher when I was young, thought a Church was to small, need to reach more people. Years Later, God turned me into a Preacher with the whole world as my congregation. See I started writing and look how God turned it up…

The 5th Miracle is ‘My Princess Dana’

Coming soon, my Angel of Love