I do not need to use ‘God as Advertisement!’

This is only about my belief in ‘God!’

The ‘God’ talk, if untrue, would ruin this book, lies about God and Angels would sabotage my own book, turn my book into a public joke.  Turning my purpose in life as nothing more than a joke.  Using ‘God Talk’ puts a high-risk on a story that doesn’t need it.  The absolutely only way the ‘God as Advertisement’ benefits me, is if I truly believe.  I have high ethics and would delete every ‘God comment’ right here and right now, before I publish it, if I didn’t believe.

This is meant for all faiths who believe in God

The urge to write this page as been flooding my mind for 3 days… constantly overpowering other thoughts.

Just like as I began to write my book, ‘Journey of 2 Angels’. A reoccurring urge to wedge the “West Wing ‘Man by the river” into my journal. I didn’t see how it fit into ‘My Story’. So I ignored it, but the urge kept nagging at me, until I did write about it..

When I started writing the thought of ‘People keeping my book near their Bible in the night stand. Like my story would be compared to the bible. The bible and my ‘God Talk’, A place to read and help everyone find God. An arrogance that I DO NOT POSSESS! I have overcome a lifetime of suffering, hurting, pain, disabilities, and mental illnesses. Those I hope will inspire people, bring ‘Hope’ and conquering the obstacle’s in our path.


A particular system of faith and worship. Religion is a set of organized beliefs, practices, and systems that most often relate to the belief and worship of a controlling force, such as a personal god or another supernatural being.

Growing up in Texas, heart of ‘The Bible Belt’, I have been exposed to Baptist, Sothern Baptist, Methodist so technically I am Christian.

Been exposed to large amount of Jewish, and thought about converting…

I was ‘Drawn’ to ‘Pope John Paul II’ for an unknown reason, outside of ‘God’s Will… From the time before he was elected until his death I was ‘Part Catholic’

I had God talk to me thru Dr. Jack Gramm from Prestonwood Baptist Church 3 Sundays in a row.

I have looked for a Religion that is close to ‘My own belief’s’ and found nothing close to… Studied about each and every religion, and none really fit me….

Religious Faith

Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof…

Proof – Most religious sects basically preach ‘Blind Faith’, belief in ‘God’, ‘Heaven’ and ‘Hell’. I have read the bible and studied it also.

Blind faith, no proof of God!!!!

This is only about my belief in ‘God!’

I asked God to prove ‘God is Real’. I told God as a child that I can not have blind faith. I needed absolute proof… This journal ‘Journey of 2 Angels’ and this ‘Website’ is dripping with ‘God’s Answer’. I don’t have a drop of Faith, God has been in my head most of my life. Like a stubborn son, I have gone against God many times, we have had arguments. I am a Lone Wolf, with God as my companion.

God guide me signs, that I will recognize!!!

As a Child I asked God to Guide me, but God you have to give me signs. God you know I am slow to recognize things, make them ‘Noticeable to a Blind Man’ Like those signs in Las Vegas. Signs that I will see, recognize as a sign, and know its ‘A sign from God’ ‘I called it ‘I know it’s a sign from you, meant for me.” These are called ‘Vegas Neon Signs’ thru my life, my book.

God had it easy with Jesus, Moses, and Noah

Compared myself to Moses, Noah, and Jesus Christ, with laughter. They knew their purpose, needed less guidance from God. God had to put a lot of effort guiding my journey. I did not understand my purpose in life, and God would not tell me until June 7trh 2022.

September 11th 2008

God hit me with a car, It should have killed me, I started to Walk home with a bump on my head. That Day changed the direction of my life. That Day i told God “OK, I give up resisting with you”. The ones who know me, feel I Died in the accident, The man I was, did Die! That wreck broke my neck, and should have killed me Instantly! I got up and tried to walk home. This was the 2nd time I have been hit by a car…nothing new to me that day.

The Mountain I have been climbing

The man I was, tragically killed. I was reborn and have been a completely different personality. The personality I had, served a purpose. The new personality has been heavy on ‘How can I still do God’s work’ with brain damage. I spent 5 years into 1-on-1 with a trained psychologist to understand my own mental issues, seeking solutions that ‘Drugs’ couldn’t help with.

While recovering from a brain-scrambling concussion. Then spent 2 years earning a degree in accounting, with a brain injury. Where I excelled and earned ‘Honor Society’ while recovering from post-concussion syndrome. Punch Drunk syndrome learning accounting.

June 7th 2022

God changed the mountain on me. God has put this strong desire to write, and write ‘Now1’ God put my life on ‘Hold’. Writing this March 16th 2023. God and only God could pick me up off one mountain, future in accounting, CPA, a viable way to get myself off of Disability, to another mountain doing what I have done for the past full year. I graduated February 2022 and have spent a full year writing the ‘Journal’, and now this website.

Sending me Negative Emails only proves my point

The moment you chose to say something bad, mean, or negatively about this journal, only PROVES the book’s purpose. To counter the ‘Evil’ in the world! I spent years fighting Evil for my career. Now retired I can still ‘Counter’ evil. Not fight evil, but counter it. The book series I want to start, about the ‘Angels Among US’ will counter some evil. Instead of being negative try think you are hearing one man’s belief in God. If God is truly in my head, or I’m little bit crazy, it’s still inspirational to hear a fresh perspective on God. “Hope’ that some people find my praising God soothing to their own belief.

My 15 Minutes of Fame

Think negative about this. Everyone gets their 15-miunes of fame. This is my 15 minutes, take a step back and look at what I did with it. With my 15, I did this…can you do better?? Think Negative about That…I bring some goodness, God, And Angels… You want to complain dial (CALL-GOD), God is always listening…