The Train Episode Discussion with God

The Train Episode Day, I was questioning myself about ‘Not being a writer’, hate writing, God hit me with an episode, telling me that ‘A writer I was too become, like it or not’The timing of the episode was during that exact thought, “God don’t make me be a writer”, his reply was, causing an episode.  I was in downtown Dallas, walking to the courthouse, I told God, “Ok, I give up, I will write!” 

This morning July 19th, 2022, I felt good enough to take a train to downtown Dallas to drop some legal papers off.  Walking from Union Train Station to the courthouse, only 2 blocks.  The thoughts in my head were of asking God, is this what you want, me to be a writer, recently signs have pointed me towards not being an accountant, even though I just earned a degree in it.  The signs are pointing towards being an author, getting paid to spend next couple years writing.  When I asked God, are you sure, He hit me with an episode, headache, dizzy, stumbling, and lost balance and nearly fell several times.  God’s way of making me stop asking about my purpose in life, stop questioning his will.  He has given me a talent for writing, spend rest of my life, sitting in quiet room and writing at my own pace.  My purpose is to pass on my amazing life, make people feel less alone in life, inspire them to push thru whatever their next obstacle will be.

On the way back on the DART train, headphones in and listing to music on medium, still having minor episode, a transit officer banged something metal on a metal railing, twice, to wake-up a homeless person, both times he hit the metal pole, it caused an immediate headache, told the cop he had just assaulted me, twice.  Within a few minutes, I was gasping for air, feeling like the air was thin at high altitude, my hands were shaking violently like I was using a jackhammer.  I had headphones in, listening to FFDP playlist, still the sound of the metal banging resonated thru my brain and triggered a much more intense episode.  This was GOD telling me, your future is at home, writing and teaching …. accept i

March 2023

Your seeing proof of God, I am not pursuing accounting/bookkeeping, instead I finished writing my ‘Journal’ and have been seen a sign to build my own website, this website.