The Full Journal “Journey of 2 Angels” is a 7-month long Free-Flow creative writing session… On June 7th 2023, I just started talking, telling the story of my life, writing everything I wanted to say. Writing all day long just about everyday until the end of December when I finally had nothing left to say. I had talked about every single thing I wanted to tell. I had over 1000 pages written. During my long writing ‘God’ gave me the idea to split this long journal into smaller books, topic specific. I hope my experience and knowledge reaches those who have sailed thru the same dark storm filled waters!

2 Angels – Post-Concussion Syndrome TBI CTE

On Sept 11th 2008, I suffered my 2nd major concussion, which scrambled my brain and forced career retirement and put on disability for rest of my life. This e-Book talks about life living with post-concussion syndrome from 2 different concussions, and the mountain I have been climbing for the last 15-years, on the long road to recovery. During my writing I suffered several brain episodes and chose to keep writing, aware enough to describe in detail the episode.

2 Angels – My Own Mental Illnesses

I studied psychology in college just understand my own mental illnesses, to one day write about it and sounding like an expert in the field.

I suffer from several mental illnesses since childhood: Lone-Wolf Syndrome, Bi-Polar II Baseline Depression, Suicidal Tendencies, Multiple PTSD’s, Severe Anxiety, Physical and Psychological damage, being bullied all thru school turned into career as a Armed Security Officer protecting.

2 Angels – God Talk

Read thru my life, hear and see how ‘God’ has always been guiding me. I don’t have to have ‘Faith’ to believe….

2 Angels – One Angel’s Journey for Love

The 4th sub e-book -Coming Soon – A real, true, and romantic ‘Love Story’. ‘One Angel’s Journey For Love.