Want to Thank the Doctors and Shiners

Donate Now – Scottish Rite for Children (convio.net)

My Tragic Left Knee – 5 Knee surgery’s

When I was hit by a car at age 13, my left knee was wrecked, then grew wrong for 2 years. My Left leg bent outwards of 22 degree angle, my feet could not touch.

Age 16 the Doctors at Scottish Rite sawed my leg in half and took out a 1/4 inch of bone.

Age 17 the knee-cap was jerry-rigged to walk ONLY…Doctors orders are never to run again at age 17.

The Shriners were amazing, Please Donate to them.

I took Karate, two years of training, until I tore it, 2 more operations to fix. Forced to live with a broken knee for rest of my life. Age 45 the knee was replaced with Titanium.

I have had 5 knee operations, had to re-learn how to walk several times. With a trashed knee I went and worked two decades in security unable to join the military.

Pediatric Orthopedic Specialists | Scottish Rite for Children

The kid’s were what touched me most. While having those first 2 knee operations, I was scared to death. The children were warm and welcomed me like we were all family. We all had something wrong and that made us feel connected. Those hospitals are filled with Angels…little Angels. I was 16 & 17, I was the older kid, in a hospital filled with little Angels.