A proper introduction, use the top right widget ‘Please Read in Order’. 

Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God’s side, for God is always right.  Abraham Lincoln!

The theme of “Selling one’s soul to the Devil!”  Instead, “Gave my soul to God for free, only asking for my life to be used for something truly meaningful.

Prayer as a child – God I give my life to you, do what you want from me, asking only 2 conditions in return.  Made a Deal with God!

  1. The First was for God to make use of this life, let it be something truly meaningful, just use it so it matters in the grand scheme.
  2. The Second was to guide me, with Signs ‘Vegas Bright Neon Signs’ that I know are from God.

God answered my 2nd Prayer

            God has answered the 2nd prayer, guided me with signs that I could not only “not miss” but know it’s a sign meant for me.  Retrospectively thinking and writing stories about the unusual life I have lived, feeling I was missing something.  My writing came to stop, like writer’s block, except the problem was, I am not writing any fiction, nothing to create, just memories and knowledge.  I have fifty years of life to write about, enough to make the term “Renaissance man” seems like a good description of myself. 

God answered my 1st Prayer

This Journal & Website is Gods answering my 1st prayer,

June 7th 22, Struggling with defining my purpose in life, nothing seemed to fit, until I was out walking this day.  Walking, looking up at the summer afternoon clouds, I had the thought of changing the optical lens.  “What if I was one of God’s many Angels” What if God wanted me to live this path, make this journey, then Write a book about it. This is an angle I had never considered before, being humbled by life.  Most of my life has felt like I was repaying a debt to God, making amends for something I did wrong in a previous life, hoping one day I will earn my passage into heaven, maybe even God’s forgiveness.  This lens refocused how I was seeing my journey, everything suddenly started making much more sense.