September 11th 2008 Accident

A career ending accident September 11th 08, put me on a journey to climb a Mt Everest size mountain just to get part of my life back. Pulling myself up by my bootstraps as been extremely difficult and slow. With a brain scrambling concussion leaving me unable to work a normal job again. Spent 2 years studying Accounting at Devry University online from January 2020 until February 2022. When I graduated, with a 3.86 GPA, Magna Cum Lauda and NSLS Honors. These two years of 12-hour days studying, brain works much slower came at a cost.

Feeling and Looking like a Zombie with huge dark circles around both eyes, decided to take a sabbatical and rest. Two years at a ‘Burn out pace’. I had a year and a half of written ‘Notes’ about my life, always knew I was destined to write a book about my very unusual path thru life. This autobiography was destined to be written. I wrote three different introductions that show my talent for writing.

June 7th 2022

While out walking this day, God put the thought into my head “That I am one of God’s many Angels”. Then something incredible happened, a 7-month long creative writing, one free flow thinking continuous journal, that will go down in my history as a 7-month long religious experience.

God as Co-writer

This Brain of mine is fractured and broken, born with dyslexia, added two Major concussions, suffering from Post-Concussion syndrome that has left me disabled for life. I use to drag race an old Corvette, now my driving would endanger everyone on the road. Brain is impaired a great deal. God co-wrote/co-edited every single word and thought. God helped me write my own autobiography, with one condition. I stress God much more than I was planning. God was literally with me every day, putting thoughts into my head, with the agreement I write what thoughts God gave me.

God as Advertisement

God wanting me using God as Advertainment to reach everyone. God would write something, then I would gasp with a response “Really God, you want me to write that?” The hilarious part is I would ask God, “is that enough?” God would respond with a strong ‘No!’ and push more God stuff.

Journey of 2 Angels Introduction

How do you know God really exists…

            Simple answer – Only when you honestly believe, will you begin to see what’s right in front of you, have true ‘Faith in God!’  When you open your mind, heart, and soul, to truly accept God, only then will you begin to see the signs in your own life.  I have had a life of following those signs, many without a moment’s hesitation.  Churches and Pastors (Christian’s), Synagogues and Rabbi’s (Jewish/Hebrew), Mosque’s and Mullah’s (Muslims), are all looking for a glimpse of God, a sign that He or She really does exist.  All read from the same bible, all state something about ties to Israel and The Hebrew’s.  Everyone prays to God for many reasons, asking for a sign that God hears them and answers our prayers.  Many religious scholars and historians have picked apart concrete evidence, with a wide range of theories.  There is absolutely nothing I can add that hasn’t already been said or been written…  Except the story of one of God’s Angels, named Jason.  The other Angel is an incredibly special woman named Dana, my bright shining Star of David.  This angel has been sent to make sure I feel love…  God has never answered one single prayer for what I wanted or desired, always answering the ones I truly needed!  Ani Ohev Otach (I Love You)

What am I?

Prophet – A person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of God:  The story of my journey is God’s will to inspire.  God wants this story to get attention, so all people will read and find inspiration, reasons to always keep moving forward, appealing across Religious, Race, Cultural, and other boundaries.  The fact that I am alive and writing my own autobiography is an absolute miracle.  Recently it was made clear to me, talk about God, Angels, Prophets, Jews, with more importance than I had planned, because it seems, I am both an Angel and a Prophet, and too humble to know it.  What do you call a man who has desires to protect people, even when he has a crippling physical disability, A Hero?  A Protector?  A Warrior?  A Survivor?  A Guardian Angel?  A Saint?  I do not know what to call myself, ask a Hero if they are one, their response will always be “No, I am not a Hero!”.  I have gone thru life with a strong desire to protect, put my life in danger for people I never knew.  God wants the message: He sends signs, Angels, and Protector’s down, most are dismissed as something we can’t explain.  God puts thoughts and emotions inside my head and heart, is his way of communicating to me.

Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God’s side, for God is always right.  Abraham Lincoln!

The Road to Heaven (replace hell) is paved with good intentions.

Aura about a person – I have met people along my journey who I feel is something different, sometimes I feel their goodness, other’s I feel a darkness when I am near them.  When they transmit a good ‘aura’ about them, I have instantly bonded, feeling I know them, trust them, know they are good.  My Aura has always given off a strong vibe of good.  Approaching a woman alone, quickly, and openly announce that I am not going to hurt her, retired security officer.  Usually to hold a door open, or help them with something, my mother taught me to be a gentleman.  I understand this can and does scare many women.  While I start talking, they sense I am not evil and act like they know me, feeling completely safe around a strange man.  During this life, even children…Kids and babies are always drawn to stare at me, on buses/trains, always catch young children just looking at me, they never seem to fear me, instead they all wait until I look back and smile at them, instantly brings a smile to their faces.  The main personal goal in my long career in ‘security’ was watching over the women and children, counter the evil that comes out in the night.  I am retired/disabled for few years now, still every evening as the sun goes down, and the city’s lights come alive.  This feeling washes over me, its nighttime and I need to be out countering the evil that goes bump in the night.  I do not know what I am, what label to put on myself.  A Hero?  A Protector?  A Warrior?  A Survivor?  A Guardian Angel?  A Saint?

The Story of my journey is something I knew would be written one day, except having an expected short life span, a tragic death would prevent it from ever actually being written.  The miracle is: I am here writing this in my own words, with God being my co-author, nudging me to write and inspire many others.  This is not about religion, stress it is not about religion, it’s about faith in ‘God’ and openings people’s eyes to see ‘Gods’ angels’ that we see in our lives, but don’t recognize.


            Life has always felt like I was lost in a deep South American jungle along the Amazon river.  I don’t trust my own navigation skills, the rain hides the sun and the stars from my eyes, only seeing a sky full of dark clouds, loud thunder crackling and flashes lighting in the distance.  Being lost, far from civilization, I just start walking.  Looking up past the dark clouds, talking to God directly, I asked for his guidance.  Lord, I will do what you want me to do in life, just give me signs, guide me as I walk this path alone.  Reminding the lord, that I have Dyslexia and don’t always see signs, to please make them like ‘A Bright glowing Neon Las Vegas signs”, so I see the sign and recognize them as signs meant for me.  The accident on Sept 11, 08 was a car hitting me…while riding a bicycle…for the 2nd time in my life.  The neck injury should have left me like Christopher Reeves, Quadriplegic or dead, from a broken neck.  The sign was to retire me from security, something I honestly would not have ever quit on my own, enjoyed being out on the streets too much.  Since then, doors have opened easily for me, getting a degree in accounting, polished computer skills, smoothing out my writing, now getting strong urge to write this.  God hit me with a car, meant to be just another sign.  I cannot return to work because of the head injury, TBI, and diagnosed CTE Post-Concussion syndrome.  I feel God told me “Jason you have done enough, go find happiness, find love”.

            This is an inserted update, after three months of writing, turns out finding my own happiness and love is only part of it, God still has work for me to do.

Personally, I believe the source material for religion, The Bible is incredibly old, from a culture that is alien to most of the modern population.  The stories of Moses and the 10 commandments, The Ark of the covenant holding the 2 tablets Moses brought down from Mt. Sinai, Noah’s Ark and the great flood, Jesus Christ and the Cross, the Great Exodus of the Hebrew’s, History of Israel, are all taken from writing over 2,000 years old.  The language used is very difficult for me to understand, like reading Shakespeare in high school, it was the English Language, but sounding nothing like the English we speak today.  Forced to study the Cliff Notes before reading the plays of Romeo & Juliet, Caesar, and Hamlet, just to understand the overall story as we read the play.  Many find understanding Bible scripture just as foreign, it’s difficult to find faith when you can’t understand the message.

The theme of “Selling one’s soul to the Devil!”  Instead, “Gave my soul to God for free, only asking for my life to be used for something truly meaningful.

My Prayer Too God as a Young Boy.

Prayer as a child – God I give my life to you, do what you want from me, asking only 2 conditions in return.  Made a Deal with God!

  1. The First was for God to make use of this life, let it be something truly meaningful, just use it so it matters in the grand scheme.
  2. The Second was to guide me.  With Signs that I know are from God.

            God has answered that prayer, guided me with signs that I could not only “not miss” but know it’s a sign meant for me.  Retrospectively thinking and writing stories about the unusual life I lived, feeling I was missing something.  My writing came to stop, like writer’s block, except the problem was, I am not writing any fiction, nothing to create, just memories.  I have fifty years of life to write about, enough to make the term “Renaissance man” seems like a good description of myself.  Struggling with defining my purpose in life, nothing seemed to fit, until I was out walking the other day.  Walking, looking up at the summer afternoon clouds, I had the thought of changing the optical lens.  “What if I was one of God’s Angels!”  What if God wanted me to live this path, make this journey, then tell the world about it…  This is an angle I had never considered before, being humbled by life.  Most of my life has felt like I was repaying a debt, making amends for something I did wrong in a previous life, hoping one day I will earn my passage into heaven, maybe even God’s forgiveness.  This lens refocused how I was seeing my journey, everything suddenly started making much more sense.  Expecting a negative sign, telling me not use that perspective, instead the following happened.